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Insulation plays a vital role in a structures overall energy efficiency. Taking the right steps to ensure your home is properly insulated and protected from air leakage goes a long way in reducing the overall energy impact, minimizing energy costs.

The performance of insulation is traditionally measured in R-values. Higher R-values mean greater thermal resistance, or insulating power. Properly installed insulation helps reduce the thermal transfer of heat through walls, which lessens the impact outside air can make on the conditioned space of your home. By maintaining a more uniform temperature throughout your home, you will minimize the stress placed on your HVAC system to hold temperatures in harsh weather leading to lower utility bills.



As a full service insulation contractor, we offer attic, wall, and crawlspace insulation services for residential and commercial projects in Springfield, MO, Kansas City and the surrounding areas. Our insulation services range from additional attic insulation to full insulation installs for large multi-family projects.

There are multiple insulation product options available for the various places throughout your home like attics, walls and crawlspaces. For instance, within walls, you could use fiberglass batt insulation, blown-in blanket (BIBS), or spray foam insulation. The choice really comes down to what you’re trying to achieve in your end result, and the cost. InsulUSA utilizes the highest quality materials combined with a well trained staff of installers.

Recent Blog Posts

At InsulUSA, we believe that knowledge is power when it comes to making informed decisions about insulation for your home or business. That's why our recent blog posts have been focused on unraveling the mysteries surrounding insulation and providing readers with valuable information they can use.

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What is the best insulation?

There are many variables that come into play when selecting the best insulation (budget, efficiency needs, and structural information). While each insulation has it’s own place and strengths, we typically say spray foam insulation is best (if cost prohibits), with fiberglass, and cellulose following closely behind.

How much insulation do I need?

We refer to local municipal code requirements to ensure we are prescribing at least the code requirement – it never hurts to exceed the code requirement.

Can I insulate my existing walls?

While we used to offer a service known as “drill & fill” or the process of drilling hols in the drywall and filling the cavity with insulation, we’re no longer offering this as a service. There are many opportunities with this process to overfill the cavity, causing the drywall to push out. Additionally, when drilling holes, there’s a possibility of drilling into electrical/plumbing. Be cautious if a contractor goes this route for you.

Do you sell insulation material only?

insulUSA no longer sells material to the public. We do offer free estimates on installed material - in other words, it’s free to see how we can help you.

Do you remove insulation?

From time to time, insulation removal is required due to the insulation being damaged, wet, or moldy. We do offer insulation removal as a service.

Do you insulate old homes?

We absolutely do! Typically we install additional attic insulation and can even install insulation in the crawlspace as well. In addition to old houses, we also insulate new construction homes as well.