12-Point Attic Checklist

12-Point Attic Energy Evaluation

  1. Assess Current Attic Insulation:

    Start by identifying the type, depth, and quality of your existing attic insulation. Understanding the current insulation setup is crucial for making informed decisions about improvements.

  2. Measure All Attic Surfaces:

    Thoroughly measure all attic surfaces, including the attic ceiling, knee-walls, slopes, and domed ceilings. Accurate measurements ensure you have the right amount of insulation for each area.

  3. Determine R-Values:

    Calculate the R-value, or insulation value, of each of these surfaces. This helps you gauge the effectiveness of your insulation and identify areas that may need reinforcement. Don't forget to assess the R-value of your duct system as well.

  4. Check Ductwork for Air Leaks: (If Applicable)

    Examine the attic ductwork for any air leaks and insulation issues. Properly sealed and insulated ducts are essential for efficient heating and cooling in your home.

  5. Inspect Attic Access Entrances:

    Carefully inspect the attic access entrances for any air leaks and assess their insulation value. A well-insulated access point helps maintain consistent temperatures in your home.

  6. Address Attic Air Leaks:

    Identify and address all sources of attic air leaks, including open chase ways into the attic, drop-down soffits, wiring, plumbing, HVAC penetrations, wall top plates, recessed can lights, and bathroom vent fans. Sealing these gaps enhances energy efficiency and reduces drafts.

  7. Check Whole-House Attic Fan: (If Applicable)

    If your home has a whole-house attic fan, examine it for air leaks and assess its insulation value. Proper insulation and sealing ensure the fan operates efficiently.

  8. Inspect Ventilation Devices:

    Inspect all ventilation devices in the attic, such as bathroom, dryer, and kitchen vents, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Adequate ventilation is crucial for moisture control and air quality.

  9. Evaluate Attic Ventilation:

    Assess the effectiveness of attic ventilation systems, including soffit vents, ridge vents, and gable vents. Proper ventilation helps regulate attic temperature and prevent moisture buildup.

  10. Examine Flues:

    Check all flues in the attic for safety compliance, adherence to building codes, and manufacturer guidelines. Ensuring safe flue operation is essential for preventing fire hazards.

  11. Address Attic Debris:

    Evaluate the attic for debris and determine if insulation or debris removal is necessary. A clean attic space is essential for optimal insulation performance.

  12. Assess Attic Conditions:

    Finally, evaluate the overall condition of the attic, checking for issues like water damage, humidity, moisture, mold, rodent or pest damage, and insect infestations. Addressing these concerns ensures the durability and safety of your attic space.

What You Get

Upon completion of the FIRST STEP COMFORT CHECK Energy Evaluation you will receive pictures of comfort and energy efficiency related issues your home may be suffering from.  Included are:

  • Printed pictures with detailed descriptions of issues

  • Recommendations for improvements

  • Options for home energy improvements

  • Detailed pricing and scope of work

  • Return-on-investment information

  • Financing options

Click here to contact us if you're in the Kansas City or Springfield, MO area and are interested in our 12-Point Attic Energy Evaluation.


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